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Stop Night Time Snacking

3 Simple Steps to stop sabotaging your weight loss with evening overeating

Get the Course for just $27!

Are your evenings derailing you?

This course is for you if you:

  • feel like you're battling hunger and food cravings every evening.
  • proudly eat "clean" all day, but then evening hits and it's all out the window.
  • love the sense of comfort you get from eating at night.
  • use food to cope with stress.
  • have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep due to feelings of hunger but if you eat late you then can't sleep because you're too full.
  • often consume high-calorie foods in the evening (even though you know you're not truly hungry).
  • find yourself promising you'll do better tomorrow, but the cycle keeps repeating itself.
Just $27 to Stop Evening Overeating

Night-time snacking is sabotaging your weight loss. I'll share 3 simple strategies to help you gain control. 

Beyond weight gain, eating late at night can also disrupt your sleep patterns, blood sugar control, hormonal patterns (not to mention the reflux!).

Take my short course today and learn the answers to stop night-time eating urges. Learn to control of your habits by applying the strategies in this course to gain control around food and optimize your health.

Don't let night-time snacking sabotage your health and well-being any longer!

What's in this course

This course is perfect for anyone who struggles with late-night snacking and wants to take control of their eating habits. This course will teach you:

  • The root causes of night-time snacking and introduce you to hunger awareness
  • To differentiate between physical versus psychological hunger
  • To avoid excessive physical hunger at night by fueling your body with adequate protein
  • The connection between emotions and nighttime snacking, and how to overcome emotional eating
  • Techniques for managing autopilot eating (mindless snacking) in the evening

This course will guide you through a plan to overcome night-time snacking while incorporating healthy habits that fit your lifestyle. 

Don't let nighttime snacking hold you back any longer - register now and take the first step towards a healthier, more confident you!

Purchase the Course for $27


Get our Urge Surfing cheat sheet sent straight to your inbox! Learn this powerful DBT-based tool to handle urges and cravings without fear.

*DBT is dialectical behavioural therapy

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