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The Pillars of Treatment for Obesity (RETHINKING OBESITY Series Part 4 of 5) Oct 23, 2023

In today's blog post, I'm excited to continue the discussion about a topic that's often misunderstood and surrounded by stigma: obesity. 

Welcome back to the "RETHINKING OBESITY" podcast series.

This is part four of five of this month's series where I'm covering everything from defining...

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Why I Don't Recommend Calorie Counting for Weight Loss (I'm a Doctor) Sep 18, 2023

If you've ever found yourself trapped in the endless cycle of tracking calories, obsessing over fitness apps, or following point systems to lose weight, this blog post is for you. 

I’m Dr. Sasha High, an obesity physician specialist, and I'm here to share my insights on why calorie...

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How Do You Get Out of a Rut? Aug 07, 2023

In today's fast-paced and stressful world, it is no wonder many people experience a lack of motivation when it comes to their health goals. When our lives are out of balance, this can show up as feeling unmotivated, stuck, and even feelings of burnout.

The journey towards better health is not...

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What is the Ideal Diet? Jul 17, 2023

What is the ideal human diet?

Should I be intermittent fasting? How much meat is too much meat? Am I getting enough protein?

In the ever-evolving landscape of weight loss and nutrition, it's easy to get caught up in the pursuit of an ideal human diet. We search for the perfect combination of...

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Why is it so hard to keep promises to yourself? Jul 03, 2023

Do you ever stop to consider the impact of not keeping promises to yourself? 

Imagine having a romantic partner who constantly lies, fails to show up, and hides the truth from you. Over time, the trust in that relationship would erode, and their character would be seen as...

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Stop Giving Away Your Power Jun 26, 2023

Today, I want to look at why we should no longer give our power away to diets and weight loss programs, including my own.

I want to start off by clarifying that there is still plenty of value in having a guide or a coach, whether it’s weight loss, business, or otherwise. That's why I invest...

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How to Get Your Sleep on Track (with Dr. Cara Ooi) Jun 05, 2023

People struggling with sleep issues and insomnia often say they've tried absolutely everything to no avail. Traditional sleep hygiene advice like cutting screen time is difficult to implement in reality, and leads them to believe they’re “just a bad sleeper”.

This feeling of...

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How to Stop Making Plateaus a Problem May 29, 2023

Today I’m going to explore what you can do if you feel as though you’re not losing any weight or have hit a “plateau”.

There are several scenarios where this might affect you:


  • You are losing some weight, but it’s slower than what your brain wants.



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Hunger Denial and How Diet Culture Teaches Us To Ignore Our Bodies May 22, 2023

Your stomach’s growling so loudly, you can’t ignore it any longer. When you go to check your watch, it’s only 11am. 


“That’s way too early for lunch, how can I be so hungry right now?!”


In a panic, you grab snack after snack to try and...

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"I already know what I should be doing to lose weight, I'm just not doing it" Jan 18, 2023

Today I'm going to explain how to actually do what you know you "should be" doing to lose weight for good.

In a world full of weight loss advice like: eat more protein, get enough sleep, drink 2L of water, incorporate at least 30 minutes of exercise daily, I'm going to walk you through the...

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